'By vested authority of the sovereign "Key of David" (Is. 22:22; Rev. 3:7) bestowed by birthright and possessed by Ben Adam (not including all of his other names, but including Hebrew words and Titles such as, "Son of Jesse"), born 23 Tevet 5736, with responsibility to, and fear of the LORD, "Almighty God", and with the authority of public agreement and consensus support from other Sovereign Residents ("In Common"), who by their own 'Free Will' in accordance with Natural Law and Inalienable Rights represent the "SOVEREIGN MICRONATION OF EUROPA JUPITER II" ("2"), declared on 1st Tamuz 5779, hereby collectively claim and declare on behalf of "Jesus", Yeshua Ben Yosef, sovereign ownership, legal jurisdiction and political custodianship of the celestial body known as, "PLANET JUPITER" and its Planetary System of Four Galilean Moons (namely, "Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto" discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610 AD), and including its Inner Group of Moons ("Satellites"), and including its outermost Irregular Group of Moons, and including Jupiter's Planetary Rings. The dominion and region of Jupiter is reserved by Divine Law in the interests of protecting human rights to subsistence, economic rights, body, mind and soul property, legal sovereignty, and the moral and spiritual salvation of Mankind ("Humanity"), without discrimination of any kind and open by 'Faith' or upon 'Need' to any Individual who chooses sovereignty in Yeshua's jurisdiction. This Decree was first established and recorded on the Island of Patmos by Disciple John (Rev. 22:16), in the 1st Century AD, and authority of this decree and testimony precedes and supersedes ANY and/or ALL other celestial claims after the time and life of Yeshua of Nazereth in the Jewish name & loving authority of Almighty God.'
Declaration of this claim and precedent is effective immediately on this day and month of the Hebrew Lunar year:
© 2019. #ADAM All Rights Reserved. Published in the Public Interest and in accordance with Universal Human Rights, Individual Legal Sovereignty and Freedom of Information.
The time has come for peace. Pause on Human progress must end. The destiny of Mankind and our survival stems on Human Rights, Happiness & Prosperity for all.
"People of the World, I come to ask you for your help! To make a New Jurisdiction for Mankind... A New Micronation."
The State shall be called:
"The Moon of Europa, Jupiter 2, a World of Water, discovered by Galileo Galilei in the year 1610 A.D. shall hereby be reserved and claimed as a Sovereign State and Jurisdiction, by the People and for the People, in accordance with Natural Law (both Oral Law and Written Law drafted in our Constitution) for the purpose of consideration and participation by any Natural Person and All People, from All Four Corners of the Earth, in the public interest and by public consensus, and in the Universal interest of Human Rights, Prosperity and Free Will for All Mankind, in the name & loving authority of Almighty God."
From Beginning to End,
On this day and month of the Hebrew Lunar year:
© 2019 Adam (#ADAM). All Rights Reserved.
Published in the Public Interest and in accordance with Universal Human Rights and Freedom of Knowledge.